




H&M Group is a family of brands and businesses, making it possible for customers around the world to express themselves through fashion and design, and to choose a more sustainable lifestyle. We create value for people and society in general by delivering our customer offering and by developing with a focus on sustainable and profitable growth.

About H&M Production

Transform design ideas into real products. The direct point of contact for local suppliers in over 20 sourcing markets, H&M Production makes top quality products as sustainably and cost-effectively as possible. We’re always hiring, but we look for more than relevant interests and experience. We need to be a good fit for each other, share the same values, and want fundamentally the same things to succeed together. At H&M Production, it’s not just a job – it’s a career full of possibilities. H&M Group has been sourcing from China for more than 30 years. In the recent five years China steadily contributed to >30% of our total purchase.

Sustainability sits at the core of H&M’s way of doing business – the company has integrated sustainability goals into all its business goals and works actively along all relevant dimensions (e.g. emissions, electricity, sourcing/materials, reuse and recycling, fair wages, etc), to lead the change towards a circular and climate positive fashion industry while being a fair and equal company.

H&M Group’s sustainability strategy is based on its sustainability vision and contains three key ambitions:

? Leading the Change

− Scale innovation

− Promote transparency

− Engage and partner for industrywide progress

? Become a Circular and Climate Positive Business

− Climate positive approach across our value chain, operating within planetary boundaries

− Net positive impact on biodiversity

− Circular ecosystem for our products, supply chains and customer journeys

? Fair and Equal − Fair jobs for all

− Inclusive and diverse workplaces and communities

To achieve this vision, H&M has defined a wide range of further detailed and ambitious strategies, policies and targets, and is working in a focused manner to achieve them together with their suppliers and partners.

Read more about H&M on our official website. (hmgroup.com)

  • 上海静安区


  • 公司全称海恩斯莫里斯(上海)贸易有限公司
  • 注册资本8080万人民币
  • 成立时间2007-08-31
  • 企业类型有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
  • 经营状态存续
  • 注册地址上海市静安区石门一路288号二座8-12层
  • 统一信用代码91310000666023348L
  • 经营范围服装、服饰、皮包及其相关商品、鞋类、纺织品、纺织品原料及辅料(棉花除外)、集团下属店铺装潢装饰、陈列用品及其相关商品的批发(钢材、水泥除外),佣金代理(拍卖除外),上述商品的进出口业务,经营相关的配套服务;产品信息咨询、质量管理咨询、企业管理咨询。(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额、许可证管理商品的,按国家有关规定办理申请)。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】



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