




凯希能源科技(北京)有限公司由韩国凯希环保有限公司投资组建,其注册资本为 5000万元人民币,总部位于北京市中关村高新科技园区。
KC Energy Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd was established by the investment of KC Cottrell Co., Ltd. It is located in Zhongguancun High-tech Zone and the registered capital is 50 million Yuan.
The company has outstanding industrial advantages and sets foothold on the booming environmental protection industry. KC Energy Technology Co., Ltd takes the rich industrial resources and advanced environmental protection technologies of KC Cottrell, Korea as it basis. The company committed to become a first class well-known high-tech leader in the environmental protection industry of China, it targets on satisfying the higher environmental protection standard and makes efforts in the research& development, promotion and application of new environment technologies. Based on its strenuous cultivation of marketing in China, the company will further develop its business in East Asia, South Asia and South East Asia.
The companys strategic goal is to become a provider of "package solutions" by utilizing high-efficiency DeSOx, DeNOx, Fabirc Filter, Electrostatic Precipitator(ESP), Wet ESP and integrated pollution control technologies in its EPC, operation and product distribution.
KC Energy Technology(Beijing) Co., Ltd has vigorous vitality, precise market positioning and excellent professional team and advanced specialized technologies. To make outstanding contributions in the development of environmental protection, we can provide equipments and services on international market through the cooperation with our global network system and resources from headquarters in Seoul, Korea and affiliated companies in UK, USA, India and Vietnam, etc.

  • 北京丰台区


  • 公司全称凯希能源科技(北京)有限公司
  • 法人代表葛亮
  • 注册资本5000万人民币
  • 成立时间2015-10-13
  • 企业类型有限责任公司(中外合资)
  • 经营状态存续
  • 注册地址北京市海淀区学清路甲8号1号综合楼6层E区6366室
  • 统一信用代码91110108MA00168MXA
  • 经营范围环保及新能源技术研发、技术咨询、技术推广、技术服务;系统集成;烟气治理;废气治理;水污染治理;固体废弃物治理的技术咨询;批发环保设备、电力设备;货物进出口;代理进出口;技术进出口。(市场主体依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)



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