








公司奉行“倡导低碳经济 贡献清洁能源”的企业使命,凭借多年来积累的技术经验与实力,以及专业化、国际化的管理团队,深耕国内市场并积极推进国际化发展计划,正在向着全球最大的沼气发电投资运营商和卓越的环境工程领域内系统解决方案供应商不断奋进!

Henan BCCY Environmental Energy Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "BCCY" or "Company") was founded in April 2009, with capital registered 120 million Yuan.The Company has more than 1000 employees, 80% of whom have college degree or above, and more than 80 with master's degree or above, including energy experts, environmental engineering experts, and financial investment experts.

Company focused on the development of new energy projects, including biogas power generation such as landfill gas power generation, waste heat power generation, industrial gas treatment,the company is also preparing to develop photovoltaic, wind power, energy storage and other types of new energy projects at home and abroad, the development of carbon emission reduction projects, landfill ecological restoration engineering (sealing engineering, rain sewage diversion project, the landfill gas guide line and the torch system, sewage pool floating cover system adjustment and building new landfill area).

Since its foundation, the Company has signed and developed more than 100 projects in China such as Henan, Anhui, Hubei, Zhejiang, Guangdong, as well as Malaysia. More than 80 projects have been invested and put into operation with the size of installed capacity of nearly 200 MW, and the invested projects and installed capacity ranks among the best in China.

Since 2018, the company has actively developed landfill ecological restoration projects. The company has provided a number of landfill closure, rain and sewage diversion, landfill gas drainage and torch system, sewage regulation tank floating cap system, new landfill area construction and other ecological restoration services。

The company pursues the mission of "advocate low-carbon economy and contribute to clean energy". With 10 years of accumulated management and technical experience and strength, as well as professional and international management team, it is deeply cultivating domestic market and actively promoting the international market. The Company is striving for the world's largest investment operators of biogas power generation and outstanding system solutions supplier in the field of environmental engineering.

  • 河南郑州金水区


  • 公司全称河南百川畅银环保能源股份有限公司
  • 法人代表陈功海
  • 注册资本16043.4469万人民币
  • 成立时间2009-04-02
  • 企业类型其他股份有限公司(上市)
  • 经营状态存续
  • 注册地址郑州高新技术产业开发区冬青街26号4号楼1单元3层22号
  • 统一信用代码91410100687129467D
  • 经营范围许可项目:发电业务、输电业务、供(配)电业务;供电业务;输电、供电、受电电力设施的安装、维修和试验;房屋建筑和市政基础设施项目工程总承包;建设工程设计;建设工程勘察;生物质燃气生产和供应(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:农林牧渔业废弃物综合利用;再生资源销售;生物质能技术服务;畜禽粪污处理利用;热力生产和供应;余热发电关键技术研发;余热余压余气利用技术研发;供冷服务;工程管理服务;规划设计管理;碳减排、碳转化、碳捕捉、碳封存技术研发;温室气体排放控制技术研发;温室气体排放控制装备销售;环保咨询服务;大气污染治理;大气环境污染防治服务;机械设备租赁;机械设备销售;土地整治服务;合同能源管理;气体、液体分离及纯净设备销售;塑料制品制造;塑料制品销售;电气设备修理;专用设备修理;环境保护专用设备制造;环境保护专用设备销售;生物质成型燃料销售;生物有机肥料研发;肥料销售;复合微生物肥料研发(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)



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